
Here are links to more online articles written by me, sometimes under a pseudonym like "Professor Bugsbee." I am working to fix broken links. I had been writing the Insectlopedia blog for Tender Corporation for a few years, but when Tender Corporation reorganized as Adventure Ready Brands in June of 2020, the company abruptly ceased all communication with me. They eventually took down the blog website completely, but it remains archived on the "Wayback Machine" of the Internet Archive. I am trying to change the links, but that could take a long time. Thank you for your patience!

Professor Bugsbee's Insectlopedia

"Celebrate National Pollinator Week"
"National Save a Spider Day
"Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), Birds, and You"
"Biting Flies: You Aren't Their Preferred Meal"
"Grasshoppers in Las Vegas, Locusts in Yemen"
"Wasp Nests: The Inside Scoop"
"What Do You Call a Dragonfly?"
"“What Happens When Mosquitoes Bite You: The Anatomy of a Mosquito Bite"
"Mosquitoes and the 'Pesticide Treadmill'"
"What Happens When a Tick Bites You: The Anatomy of a Tick Bite"
"The Asian Longhorned Tick Has Arrived in North America"
“All Eyes on Wild Animals and Plants for City Nature Challenge 2019"
“New Treatment on the Horizon for ‘Lingering’ Lyme Disease"
“Will Recent Flooding Increase the Mosquito Population?"
“Watching the Monarch Migration (& Dragonfly Migration!)"
"Spooky Bugs You Should Avoid"
“Spooky Bugs That Don’t Need to Scare You (But Probably Do)"
"How to Tick Check Your Child"
“’Bugging’ Mosquitoes to Stop Dengue Fever and Other Diseases"
“Water Striders & More: The Secret of How Some Bugs Walk on Water"
“Insect & Tick Diseases by Region: Risks Where You Live"
“A Lyme Disease Vaccine Is Close, But Prevention Is Still the Best Cure"
“The Inside Scoop on Why Your Insect Repellent Product Isn’t Working"
“Bug Bites and Stings – The Inside Scoop on What’s Motivating Bugs"
“The Approach of ‘Insect Armageddon’ – Are Insects Disappearing?"
“Why Do Crickets Sing? An Inside Look at a Cricket’s Chirp"
"How Do I Know What Bug Bit Me?"
“The Life & Times of a ‘Bug Blogger’: Missing in Action"
“New and Effective Bed Bug Treatment Show Promise"
“The Oak Mite Is Itching to Get You: Get Relief"
"Zika Virus: The Latest"
"Common Household Pests: Fleas"
"How to Avoid the Zika Virus"
"Tick Quiz: True or False?"
"June Zika Virus Update"
"Zika Virus News"
"How Aquatic Insects Ensure Clean Water"
"Plants That Attract Good Insects"
"Common Household Pests: Ants"
"Common Household Pests: Cockroaches"
"Common Household Pests: Mites"
"Best Bug Control Methods for the Home"
"Common Household Pests: House Crickets"
"How to Properly Remove a Tick"
"Common Household Pests: Indoor Spiders"
“How New Species of ‘Bugs’ Are Discovered"
"Chiggers: Myth and Reality"
“Those ‘Other’ Biting Flies"
"What's Brewing in Your Backyard?"
"Common Household Pests: Carpet Beetles"
"These Mosquito Control Devices Are Duds"
“Types of Ticks to Look Out for This Summer, That Can Spread Lyme Disease and More"
"Pumpkin Bugs"
"Zika Comes to the U.S."
"Insect Invaders of Autumn"
"Horse Flies and Deer Flies"
"Night-Time Noisemakers: Singing Insects"
"Basic Bed Bug Prevention"
"Super Lice"
"Why You (and your kids) Should Love Wasps"
“17-year Cicadas Set to Emerge en masse"
“Please Don’t Eat the Fireflies and Other Toxic Insects"
"Why Repellents Are Better Than Pesticides"
"Poisonous or Venomous?"
"Unsolved Mystery: Chronic Lyme Disease"
“Mosquito Mistaken Identity: These Flies Don’t Bite" Authorship had been wrongly attributed.
"What Bit Me?"
"Daddy Longlegs in Myth and Legend"
“Insect Borne Viruses – What You Need to Know"
"Ticks in Autumn?"
"Snap, Crackle, and Hop" About grasshoppers.
"Butterflies and Caterpillars"
"Flooding and Mosquitoes"
"Garden Good Guys (and Gals)"
"West Nile Virus: What it is and How to Avoid It"
"National Moth Week is Coming!"
"Carpet Beetles and Allergies"
"Fire Ants: Facts and Treatment"
"Kissing Bug"
"Lyme Disease: What it is and How to Avoid It"

Colorado Gardener

Go to "past issues" on the website

“Good ‘Bugs’ in Your Compost Keep Nutrients Flowing,” Late Spring, 2019: p. 23.
“Insect Inspired Inventions,” Early Spring, 2019: p. 6.
“Why You Cannot Choose the Insects in Your Garden,” June, 2018: p. 3.
“Is ‘Insect Armageddon’ For Real?” May, 2018: p. 6.
“’App(t)’ to Make You a Better Gardener,” April, 2018: p. 24.
“The Sting of Summer,” Colorado Gardener. Summer, 2017: p. 10.
“The Sunflower Ecosystem,” May, 2017: p. 14.
“The Chemical Conversations of Plants and Bugs,” April, 2017: p. 11.
“Celebrate National Moth Week,” Summer, 2016: p. 14.
“Up, Up, and Away – Spider Style,” April, 2016: p. 23.
“Galls: What’s That Growth?,” Education Issue, 2016: p. 7.


Common Bees & Wasps of Ohio. Columbus: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife. 78 pp.


  1. Hi Eric, I’ve just spotted an American pelecinid wasp on our home in southern France. I can only find information that says they live in the north and south American territories. Is this news that I have one in France? Just wondering (I can send you the video and pic if you are interested). Thanks, Sheri Hughey

    1. You may have an ichneumon wasp that you misidentified. I recommend posting your image to iNaturalist and seeing what the specialist experts say. I do not have a way to accommodate unsolicited images here, sorry.

  2. Can you do a post on water pennies I would love to learn more about them

    1. If I had photos of *any* of the life stages, I would do that. Alas, aquatic insects are not really my thing. Sorry! I'll try and remember to turn over some rocks in the next stream or river I find myself near.

  3. I remember it like yesterday- but it was over 50 yr ago…it was late summer in central Texas and I was a avid little helper out hunting snakes & lizards at our family lakeside “Holiday House”. I was nine and had got quite adept at catching wary critters.
    With an explosion from a nearby bush the largest grasshopper I had ever seen took flight and left our property- crossing the county road at the end of our driveway, flying over 100’. And I was in hot pursuit. This action repeated itself several times until at last I slowed down, went in stealth mode and carefully approached the landing site , stalking until zi spotted him. Brilliant colors but predominantly green, I snuck up and caught him. I never saw another of his kind & never knew what he was until today when I sat arf Kennedy catch one in his house & do a short video on bird grasshoppers. What an amazing creature!


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